2016年4月4日 星期一


In this classic book, the resouces of an exceptional critic are brought to bear on questions of prime importance in modern life. Frye presents a brilliant array of ideas and observations on the methodology of our day and its central elements, alienation, and progress; the effects of anthology on the structured society; characteristics commonly associated with the `modern'; antisocial attitudes in modern culture; the role of the arts in informing the contemporary imagination; and finally the way in which the creative arts are absorbed into society through education.

Optimism Is a Casualty in Campaign 2016 A2

The downbeat appraisals from presidential candidates including Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders underscore a Campaign 2016 reality: There has been a sharp decline in the traditional American spirit of optimism, writes Gerald F. Seib.

IMF: China Worries to Weigh on Global Stocks More Often B5

Major emerging markets, led by China, are increasingly likely to spread fear to financial markets in the U.S. and other developed countries, according to the IMF.

Economists said markets were only just beginning to feel what was likely to be the growing impact of China.

讀者應該比較小布希、Abe、Obama 等人讀哪些書?

準總統書單 小英猛K《國家為什麼會失敗》

準總統書單 幕僚必讀
執政心繫 大政府理念
5本書 現領導人心術
