2013年3月24日 星期日

History of Modern Architecture ( Benevolo)/Concise History of Western Architecture

約2年前我在某二手書店知道此書台灣有漢譯  可惜似乎是漏網之魚.


Sir Nikolaus Pevsner

Concise History of Western Architecture

為什麼台灣的翻譯本只用(簡明) 西洋建築史 台北:地景2000 (此書有索引)

A Concise History of Western Architecture

A Concise History of Western Architecture [Paperback] 1969/1980?

Robert Furneaux Jordan (10 April 1905 – 14 May 1978) was an English architect, architectural critic and novelist. Jordan was educated at King Edward's School, Birmingham, Birmingham School of Art, and the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London. He married Eira Furneaux Jordan in 1965. He worked as an architect from 1928 to 1961, after which he became an academic, broadcaster and lecturer, writing many books on architecture.
Other positions occupied were:
He wrote five crime novels under the name of Robert Player, mostly set in the Victorian and Edwardian periods and published from 1945 until the late 1970s. They contain a strong element of social satire, concerning the hypocrisy and corruptions of those periods.


Detective novels

  • The Ingenious Mr Stone, 1945: a detective story about the poisoning of the ultra-High Church headmistress of a girls' school in Devonshire
  • Let's Talk of Graves, of Worms, of Epitaphs, 1972: ISBN 0-575-01922-0. A fictional account of an Anglican clergyman who becomes Pope, loosely based on Lytton Strachey's life of Cardinal Manning
  • Oh, Where are Bloody Mary's Earrings?, 1972: concerns a pair of earrings given as a wedding present by Philip II of Spain to Mary I of England, and the times they were stolen or copied between then and the Edwardian period
  • The Homicidal Colonel, 1974: concerns a psychopathic colonel from the American Deep South who reinvents himself as an English country squire and later disappears back to America, there committing a series of sex murders.
  • The Month of the Mangled Models, 1977: a series of murders set at the time of the Pre-Raphaelite and Arts and Crafts movements

Works on architecture


History of Modern Architecture

, Volume 2
Front Cover
MIT Press, Dec 15, 1977 - Architecture - 868 pages

Let it be said at once that the format of this work is richly handsome: it is a two-volume boxed set comprising 844 pages and well over 1,000 high-quality illustrations, and it reflects throughout its publisher's conviction that good design is an essential, not superficial,part of bookmaking.Beyond that, it should be emphasized that this work is not another facile cultural tour of modern architecture. It is a serious and original study of the beginnings and development of modernism in which the pictorial aspects are designed to aid in the communication of the author's closely reasoned formulations, rather than to gloss over a lack of substantive content.The book is a translation of the third Italian edition, published in 1966. Benevolo, who is on the faculty of architecture in Venice, has earned an international reputation as a historian of architecture and town planning, and his publications embrace the span of time from the Renaissance to the foreseeable future. One such publication, The Origins of Modern Town Planning (The MIT Press,1967), may be read as a prelude to the present work as well as an independent contribution. Perhaps more than any other architectural historian in our time, Benevolo has made a determined effort to place developments in design and planning in their proper social and political settings.Indeed, the author argues that the development of the modern movement in architecture was determined, not by aesthetic formalisms, but largely by the social changes that have occurred since about 1760: "After the middle of the eighteenth century, without the continuity of formal activity being in any way broken, indeed while architectural language seems to be acquiring a particular coherence, the relations between architect and society began to change radically.... New material and spiritual needs, new ideas and modes of procedure arise both within and beyond the traditional limits, and finally they run together to form a new architectural synthesis that is completely different from the old one. In this way it is possible to explain the birth of modern architecture, which otherwise would seem completely incomprehensible...."This second volume is concerned with the modern movement proper, from 1914 to 1966. The author emphasizes the unity of the movement, rejecting the usual treatment that allots to the individual architects separate and unconnected biographical accounts.Benevolo remarks at one point, "When one talks about modern architecture one must bear in mind the fact that it implies not only a new range of forms, but also a new way of thinking, whose consequences have not yet all been calculated." His main concern is to provide a more exact calculation of those consequences.



Vol. I The tradition of Modern arcitecture

Vol. II Modern movement



近代建築の歴史 [単行本]

レオナルド ベネヴォロ , Leonardo Benevolo , 武藤 章






  • 単行本: 890ページ
  • 出版社: 鹿島出版会 (2004/07)
  • ISBN-10: 4306044386
  • ISBN-13: 978-4306044388
  • 発売日: 2004/07
